Monday, December 11, 2006

Well - It's still a secret

but I'm sharing the news here so it is and it isn't.

Baby #2 is due to arrive in August '07.

Yes that means I'm like all of 4 weeks pregnant right now so I'm toying with fate by blogging about it but I didn't keep any kind of journal for my pregnancy with my son and I'm sorry I didn't now so this is redemption.

Estimated Due Date is August 17, 2007 and Chinese Gender Prediction says it's a girl.

I guessed I might be pregnant when I started hitting this insane exhaustion wall every afternoon last week, it's due to hit me now again in about 20 minutes, hmm I thought, then the constipation set in and I thought hmm again, I've been here before so I bought a test on Friday even though my period wasn't due until today and there it was a faded + sign, nah I thought and threw it away. Did another one the next day and there it was again a i took it outside to big man who was putting a new roof on the shed and asked him if it was real. He seemed to think it was and reacted as he does.

Bought 2 more tests Saturday evening on teh way to work and did one at work, two || this time, definitely there. One more test Sunday morning confirming the two ||s and now I'm starting to believe it.

Made an appt with the doc to have an official test this afternoon, if it's positive then I think I'll really believe it.

Well I'll really believe it when I see the galloping heartbeat on a scan. Sadly I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks the year before little man was born so I'm all too aware of the risks. I'll relax into it after 12 weeks.

In the meantime if you've stumbled across me and you don't know me this might be incredibly boring for you, if you do know me chances are you're getting a link to this in Jan 2007 so are reading backwards, welcome!


Emma in Canada said...

You are very good at keeping secrets! When you say he reacted as he does what do you mean? I think I may have an idea because it seems to me that he and William are two peas of a pod, but I could be very wrong and may just have greatly offended you!

Boliath said...

No offense at all babe, you're on the right track, reading your blog lately I've often thought they were cut from the same cloth. Most Irish men are!

He's not one for big displays of emotion, his usual response to something is negative, even if it's a really good thing. It seems to take him a while to process it and realise how good or bad it really is.

He has improved greatly though and is excited about a new baby now even if he's not quite sure it will happen yet, it's early days so I'm not quite sure either but I'm running with it rather than wasting energy on worry and denial.

Emma in Canada said...

Yes, that's what I thought. William seemed so unexcited but I think he was just terribly worried I would miscarry. When his niece miscarried, he cried like I have never seen a man cry, so thank God it didn't happen to us. He'd have been a mess.