Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Finding out the gender

Sparked a bit of a tantrum in our house last night when I mentioned to big man that I would like to find out the gender this time.

We didn't last time because he didn't want to and I figured that you can change not knowing but not take back knowing - hope that makes sense. I had scans every couple of days at the end because of the GD so could have found out at any time but at the stage there was no point in finding out, I would soon enough anyway.

This time it's different, if I'm having another boy I want to know ahead of time so that I can prepare. Not that I will love another son any less but I do so want a girl, one of each, perfecto and all that, and to be honest, I'm afraid if it's another boy and that is announced to me in the delivery room I might show some small disappointment, however fleeting it is I don't want my child to feel that even for a nanosecond so I'd prefer to know beforehand.

Big man doesn't see it that way, but then again he rarely sees things my way so I expected this. I could do without the tantrums though, the little man does enough of those, I don't need the 6' version doing an encore!

I'm not even 100% sure I want to find out, and there is the chance as has just happened with my sister (due in April) that the babe will not cooperate at the Level II scan and keep his or her legs crossed, but big mans reaction last night could just make me dig my heels in! Me? Stubborn? There's a pair of us in it!


Portlairge said...

I am so excited for you. Many congratulations. I'm sorry I wasn't around for the scary part but things are looking good. I'm looking forward to reading for the next 8 months. I had to find out the gender, I couldn't bear the fact that the doctor would know and I wouldn't. Thankfully B wanted to find out too. My Mother told me not to tell her because she wanted it to be a surprise!!! She soon copped herself on and in the end enjoyed that fact that she knew.

Emma in Canada said...

I too am all for finding out the sex. And honestly had I found out that Sophie was a girl at the delivery I would have had that brief moment of disappointment because I definitely had it at the u/s. Even at her birth I asked if she was definitely a girl, but there wasn't the disappointment that yes she was. God that sounds terrible.

Oh, and I'm all with you on the poo issue. As a kid I used to make my mother come look at them and was well known for plugging the toilet.

Boliath said...

PL - Thanks for dropping by, I really want to find out the gender this time, Emmas comment sums up my feelings exactly!

Emma - thanks to you too, it doesn't sound terrible, it's exactly what I imagine myself doing.

If I have another boy it will be great for little man to have a wee brother to play with and I will be thrilled.

If I have a girl, it will be great for me to have a daughter to play with and I will be thrilled.

I just want to know ahead of time and big man will just have to live with it.