Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Say it again sister!

Antique Mommy says it so well...

I’ve grown fat in the nearly three years I’ve been a parent. Not so much from eating after my own child, which I said I would never do, but I do -- but from eating my own words.

I remember when I was about seven months pregnant, Antique Daddy and I were playing cards with some friends. With my child tucked safely inside my womb, I was still free to waddle up to my soapbox and spout off all the idealistic things I would never do that those other horrible, less diligent parents allow their children to do.
I'm trying my best to be better with this pregnancy. Obviously my eyes have been opened to the reality of labour and birth plans gone awry and television is regular in our house, I didn't actually imagine that I wouldn't let my child watch tv, I'm a big fan of tv myself but I am guilty of raised eyebrows and smug, well when I have have my child, I won't...comments.

You live and learn eh?

So in a pregnancy journalling kinda way - am having weird ass dreams really freaky scary violent types that freak me the fuck out in the middle of the night. Last time I remember big man saving me from all sorts of monsters in the middle of the night. He's not so saviourish this time, more like Hrumph she went and got herself knocked up again so she doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, hrumph... well he's probably not thinking that but that's what's coming across big man - oh yes it is.

Strangely I'm getting all tied up in the We're not married game again, doesn't bother me unless I'm pregnant it seems. Bothering me now, bothered me last time, will hopefully get over myself pretty quickly.

Physical symptoms - ravenous hunger first thing in the morning, crampy lower belly, bad gas, man oh man do not stand up wind of me people, phew!

Got the official yes you're up the pole confirmation from the doc earlier today, nice! Starting to believe it now. Made 1st appt. for Dec 27th, they tried to hold me off until Jan 12 but I said no way, I'm a nervous nelly and I want in to see someone asap. Bit peeved 'cos they don't have ultrasound facilities at this place so will have to travel for them, slight inconvenience.

Anyhoo, other than all that, delighted that it's not just me imagining lines on sticks, I really am pregnant - mad!

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