Monday, December 11, 2006

I shouldn't do this

to myself but I've been googling miscarriage risks and gestational diabetes - and have myself scared shitless.

It brings it all back, that horrible visit to the ER where the technician did a scan and told me matter of factly that there was "no baby in there" well gee thanks Mrs. Compassionate. The repeated visits to the OB/GYN office desperate that this time they would find a heartbeat and it was just too early before.

Gods I don't want to go through that again.

Like I said before I won't be able to relax until I see that heartbeat, little man showed me his heart beat at 6w 3d so hopefully this little bean will be as cooperative.

Gestational Diabetes - pales in comparison, I ended up injecting insulin 3 times a day at the end of my last pregnancy and testing my blood sugar about 6 times a day, that all leaves some serious track marks people! Hopefully this time I'll avoid it by eating sensibly (yeah right) and exercising (in your dreams) and not gaining so much weight (54lbs people) that's the plan anyway, apparently once you have it in one pregnancy you have a 90% chance of a reccurrance in subsequent pregnancies - nice odds there.

Hope to avoid induction and c-section as well this time, but I'm getting way way ahead of myself so I'll stop all this idle speculation and just hope I see/hear those galloping hoofbeats in a few weeks!