Thursday, June 7, 2007


Fatmammycat has a hangover, she describes it very well. However I just left this comment on her post:
No sympathy from me at all for the hangover, you drink and have a great time, feck off you deserve that hangover!

I've completely lost my taste for alcohol see, and I miss it dreadfully.

I've tried to get it back but after two drinks I think blah why bother so I sit and listen to the slurring shite spouted in my direction and generally go home early.

It's depressing.

Not so much now that I'm big with child again, I have no desire to go out at all these days, people tend to stare at pregnant women in bars after a certain hour, but I'm sure it will return when this child is birthed and weaned in about 12 months.

I will get pissed again dammit, I will!
Bit mean I know but feck it, I have a simmering resentment towards people who can go out and get drunk. I'm not sure how much of it is because I've lost my taste for it or how much is tied up in envy of their irresponsibility or lack of responsibilty, y'know?

If I get sloshed (non-pregnant obviously) I have to deal with little man in the morning no matter how bad I feel. Most of my friends don't have children, they have dogs, some don't even have dogs, they have plants and they can't even look after them properly!

Sometimes I envy their lack of obligation but most of the time I think, it's all fun & games now in your 30s/40s and in some cases 50s but how much fun will it be in 10 years? How much damage are you doing to your body? I think that's what worries me most and stops me from doing it, the damage to your body.

When my Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumour, they opened him up to see if they could operate, closed him up again and told us it was pointless. The scary part was that they said the damage was 30 years old. He had done most of the damage to his brain while he was in his 30s! What the fuck! My Dad died at 67, that's way too young.

I'd like to live as long as possible myself, certainly until my children make me a Granny and even past that for a while, until I'm tired and fed up and ready to move on to whetever comes next or nothing at all if that's all there is. Pouring alcohol down my neck regularly in sizeable quantities isn't going to help me do that.

It can be fun though and I kind of miss that.

Maybe I should unclench.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I completely know what you mean about people looking at your strangely when you are at a bar after a certain hour. I went to a bachelorette party when I was 33 weeks pregnant. Needless to say, I got a LOT of weird looks from people. It was fairly embarassing, so I went home early.