Tuesday, March 6, 2007


See the tickers up there?

Yeah yeah I know you can't miss them.

Hate them myself BUT and obviously it's a big but (remind me to post about the other kinds of big butts soon) I cannot keep track my this pregnancy, I keep getting my weeks wrong and then people laugh at me, which is just mean and cruel and - sob - not what you should do to a hormonal pregnant chick - mmmkay?

So I made a ticker to tell me how many weeks I am and then I felt bad that little man was left out so I made one for him too. All sounds easy peasy eh? Fucking wasn't let me tell you, my brain is seriously fucked up these days, I'm amazed I make it to work with shoes on most days.


Emma in Canada said...

Ah, fuck, you make me laugh.

random_mommy said...

I'm 13 weeks pregnant, but keep forgetting... and telling people any random number that comes to mind. I need a ticker.

Boliath said...

Hey Congratulations RM!

Emma - roll on Sunday eh?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your pregnancy. :)
I like the ones on baby gaga because they give you a little blurb on development and where baby's at. I'm due (my first) at the start of July and have fluctuating moments of excitement, Zen and sheer, clammy-palmed nervousness that I won't know what to do.