Friday, March 2, 2007

Single Mums

I just found this blog and my heart is breaking for the poor girl.

Redmum, Emma, you veteran Mums out there who have done it alone for some period of time, can you give her some advice? She specifically asks for it, can you help her?

I don't know how single Mums do it, I barely manage with both of us sharing bed time, bath time, etc... I suppose when there's only you, you just do it.

Single Mums you have my utmost respect.


Emma in Canada said...

This is a blog I have been visiting for a few weeks, I just left a comment saying that I was the last person to give advice on husbands. I think it is much easier to be a single parent in Canada, than in the States due to our child benefits. I think they are generally higher.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say it's nice thing to send people over to that blog. That poor girl needs all the support she can get.

Just so you know, when your a single mom, like you said, you just do it. You don't have a choice, but, they're worth it!

rookiemom said...

Thank you!

I am still being (pleasantly) surprised by how supportive and wonderful everyone around the blogosphere is. It really means a lot to me.

Boliath said...

Thanks Rachel, I appreciate that.

Rookiemom, good luck to you honey.