Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Deal or no deal?

Bastard fucking blogger ass, I wrote a long post about deals and no deals and fucking blogger ate it.

Well in short the gist of it was that big man keeps trying to trip me up and let slip whether little man will have a baby brother or sister.

The deal was that I would find out and he wouldn't and if he wanted to know he would ask me - so big man if you're reading, try to trip me up one more time and I'll tell you straight out and then you'll be pissed off and so will I, so cut it out there's a good fella - k?

The rest of the post was a sweet little story about little man trying to make a deal at bed time, I'll write it again when I'm not so cranky.

Gods am I cranky...mutter mutter...

1 comment:

Emma in Canada said...

Well if he's trying to trip you up he can't very well be pissed off when you tell him. Bloody men.