Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Poo, glorious poo

Seems like poo is on everyone's mind these days, I've been following blog links, as you do, and these posts really spoke to me.

I clearly remember the horror of my 1st post c-section poo. I sobbed, screamed and generally cursed myself for being afraid to take stool softeners and laxatives in case they affected the baby via my breastmilk! Rookie Mum or wha? It was the only time I used the Lamaze breathing I learned in childbirth classes.

I still produce a poo to be proud of every few days, it hurts, it's degrading but it's much better than missy connie stee pation's visits. (I'm afraid to type the real word in case she comes back to visit again)

Enjoy the poo stories!

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