Tuesday, April 10, 2007

James Lipton, what a FREAK!

I'm stealing from random mommy who is stealing from someone else...which makes it right.

That complete weirdo freak James Lipton from Inside the Actors Studio, he creeps me out, he looks like he wants to lick dirty parts of the actor he's interviewing. I'm guessing he's a failed actor himself. Anyway these are the questions he asks famous peeps so even though I'm not as famous as random mommy I'm answering them too

What is your favorite word?
Fuck, no competition there, by far my favourite and most used word.
What is your least favorite word? You, as in 'you did' or 'you didn't' or 'will you' or 'can you' or just fuck off with the accusations and demands eh? Oh - sorry some not so hidden anger there :c)
What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? Compassion.
What turns you off? Snarky arrogance.
What is your favorite curse word? Fuck again but to diversify a little, I like Bollix a lot - eh sounds rude, but you know what I mean, when you call someone a bollix, you really mean it, at least I do.
What sound or noise do you love? Laughter.
What sound or noise do you hate? Whining.
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Surgeon.
What profession would you not like to attempt? Banking.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I know you didn't believe it, but here I am and you can come in, c'mon there's your Dad over there waiting for you.

Nice one random mommy. I know this isn't a meme as such but I'm tagging Emma anyway 'cos she likes these things. Go Emma!

1 comment:

random_mommy said...

we have far too much in common!
fuck is the best.