Friday, January 12, 2007

Doc Appt. today

So I'm 8w5d by my reckoning but that probably doesn't match the docs.

The poo problems continue but I have more of a handle on them now. Word of caution - no matter how tough you think you are, if the laxative says take 2 tablespoons - TAKE 2 TABLESPOONS fer fuxake, not 4 'cos you're a hard chaw, know what I mean? Nuff said about that one.

What else can I tell you? I have my 1st official doctor appointment today, go me.

Nervous about it of course, convinced she won't find a heartbeat and I'll get bad news again. Been reading horror stories about miscarriages at 9w2d and the like. I really don't think I'll relax until I can feel this little one kicking me in the ribs and then I'll complain about that.

Breasts are no-go zones, very very tender, little man keeps kicking them or bouncing his head off them for some reason. I know they're bigger but do they have bullseyes visible only to 2 year olds or something?

Will update after the doc appointment.


Emma in Canada said...

I've been looking all you've got me worried because there's no after doctor update! Hope all is well.

Portlairge said...

I hope all went well yesterday. I found benefibre good when I was pregnant. I took it everyday.