Monday, January 22, 2007


I feel good today but please don't say that out loud, the nausea, constipation and fatigue will hear you and remember that they forgot about me for a little while!

Will be heading to Ireland on Thursday for my Mums birthday party - yahoo.

May not get the chance to post again for a few days, if so, apologies in advance. Will be telling the family when I'm at home, should be interesting.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Barely keeping head up, exhausted, nauseous, want to curl up in ball and sleep, wish I hadn't eaten at lunch time but was soooo veryyyy hungreeeeee.

Whose stupid idea was it to get pregnant again?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More Poo!!

Thanks to linkateria, very topical!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Sorry guys, docs appt was long, I'd forgotten just how much they want to know about you at that first meeting and mine was with a whole new clinic so bleagh.

I'm not comfortable discussing intimate details about my body and health history witha person I have never met before. I find it quite unnerving, it also brings up history and there are parts of my life - like everyones - that I am damn glad are over and done with!

Anyway, all is fine and well, no atttempt to hear a heartbeat becasue I have a tipped uterus which is no big deal but means you can't hear the heartbeat as soon as you'd like.

Quite liked the midwife I met, she seemed smart and engaged and has 3 children which appeals to me in a birth and pregnancy care giver, I'm more comfortable with someone who has been there themselves even once, never mind 3 times.

Am home from work thanks to Doctor King, child is upstairs watching Nemo so must not dawdle.

Thanks for checking in!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Doc Appt. today

So I'm 8w5d by my reckoning but that probably doesn't match the docs.

The poo problems continue but I have more of a handle on them now. Word of caution - no matter how tough you think you are, if the laxative says take 2 tablespoons - TAKE 2 TABLESPOONS fer fuxake, not 4 'cos you're a hard chaw, know what I mean? Nuff said about that one.

What else can I tell you? I have my 1st official doctor appointment today, go me.

Nervous about it of course, convinced she won't find a heartbeat and I'll get bad news again. Been reading horror stories about miscarriages at 9w2d and the like. I really don't think I'll relax until I can feel this little one kicking me in the ribs and then I'll complain about that.

Breasts are no-go zones, very very tender, little man keeps kicking them or bouncing his head off them for some reason. I know they're bigger but do they have bullseyes visible only to 2 year olds or something?

Will update after the doc appointment.

Thursday, January 4, 2007


I kind of regard this as a PSA for other IBS sufferers out there so sorry again if it's too much info for you but man is my world down there going through some chaos!

I had bad problems with constipation with little mans pregnancy and it's back with a vengance this time, only it's accompanied by quite a lot of bleeding. I'm used to re.ctal bleeding from time to time, I've had all sorts of tests and my favourite - an@l exams and even cameras! They all show nothing to worry about so the diagnosis has been internal hemorrhoids (yes I know how to spell it, sorry for messing that up in the last post) and as long as it's not too much they've said not to worry.

For the past few days I've been continuing my enormous poo productions and they've been accompanied by quite a lot of bright red blood - pah sez I, normal, nothing to see here folks, move along. But it's been getting worse not better so I called the doc. I'm waiting for a call back and can assume that I'll be exposing my nether regions to the delights of probing fingers again in the next 24 hours. I'm hoping that will be all and they'll tell me to drink more water, eat more fiber and try not to strain - HAH! You think I don't know this? I think I've torn something, to be honest, and it's just being aggravated each time I pass a stool, especially the big ones.


I know, I know, but considering the googling I've done on this it's a concern for a lot of people and seeing blood in the bowl is definitely worrying so I consider this my good deed for other pregnant IBS women out there. If you are or have been one, step right up and let me know what worked and didn't for you.

PS I'm using rec.tal and an@l just 'cos I want to keep the pervs away, not from any sense of modesty on my behalf.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Happy New Year - 128bpm

Just a few days late!

Sorry for the break, Xmas and all that palava took me away from computers for a couple of weeks.

Didn't take me away from doctors sticking things into my private parts though, I'm way too familiar with the dildo cam - or probe or whatever they call it. Had another scan yesterday and there it was, in all it's glory, all .8" of it with it's little heart beating steadily at 128bpm.

I'm kind of in shock to be honest. I was bracing for the worst and hoping for the best as they say. It's starting to sink in now, I could actually have another child in a few months!

This pregnancy is very different so far, I'm an emotional wreck, wildly careening from rage to deep sadness in a matter of moments, it's weird. Night time is hell, can't sleep, am having horrible hallucenogenic dreams so I don't want to sleep, I can't get comfortable, I'm pissed off at everyone, it's not restful to say the least.

** TMI warning - move along if you don't want to read about poo **

I've gained about 5lbs which is probably more than I should have at this point so I'll have to watch myself a bit better. I think about 3lbs of that is poo to be honest. Sorry if tmi but pregnancy to me is all about poo. I suffer terribly from constipation, hemarroids, cramps and gas; I have IBS in real life so it just gets worse with pregnancy. This time I'm astounded at the
contents of the bowl. Last week I had a poo so huge it tore me, nice eh? Took forever to come out, to the point where I had actually started to panic a bit, thought I might have to give it some help and not sure what I would do really, luckily it made it's painful way out and I almost took a picture I was so shocked. I'm still sore from that one. It was followed a few minutes later by - no joke - another poo of about 18". Long poos I can deal with, big fat ones, no no no, they hurt man! And then I bleed and then I panic...with my history of IBS I'm pretty confident that bleeding is internal hemerroids, but when I'm pregnant, any blood "down there" freaks me out.

** OK poo talk over, carry on **

So other than the poo, everything else is pretty good, some fatigue, yes, but not as bad as I remember it last time, some nausea, yes, but again, not as bad.

Fingers crossed this all goes well, I've been torturing myself reading about other people's miscarriages at 9w and so on. I've read that your chances are low after you've seen a heartbeat so I'll concentrate on that for now.